The Bindery

Rock Top Bindery “Mission Statement”

We are all custodians of history – Let us care for it properly.

I have been in the book-world for over 27 years as a book seller, and 25 as a book binder.

The high cost of professional conservation precludes work on many mid-range books. There is simply not enough margin in them for dealers to repair and resell. The same applies to mid-range collectors and books they have that could benefit from some care or rebinding.

My services are priced to allow dealers and collectors of these mid-price-range books, and “regular people” with books that are personally important to them, to have them cared for to preserve them for years to come.

General Starting Price Points

There are many factors that go into repair or rebinding projects. My prices are not based upon the inherent value of your book. They are simply based upon my hourly rate, plus materials used. Most cloth book restorations will start around $125. Most leather bound restorations will start around $175. (for ¼ leather bindings)

Most new binding projects will start around $125-150 for all cloth, and costs go up for ¼ leather, ¾ leather, and Full Leather bindings.

Thesis Binding / Presentation Binding available.

Custom boxes, slipcases, and document folders can also be made to protect your books or precious documents.

How can I get started ?

The easiest way to begin is to e-mail me some pictures of your book / project. The pictures should show, as clear as possible, any damage or issues that need to be taken care of. I will make recommendations on what would be the best course of action, and give you a preliminary estimate for the work.

If it seems like something you would like to move ahead with, you can either ship / mail the project to me or come by the Book Shop and drop it off in person. At that time, I will assess the project first hand and confirm, or adjust, the preliminary estimate. Payment will be due when the work is completed. Unless there is an unusually large / expensive amount of materials needed – I usually do not require a deposit.